by The Quaker Oracle | Jan 15, 2024 | Links, Personal Blog
This week I bought a new Strong’s Concordance. My copy is a beautiful red leather binding from the 80s. I’ve been wanting to compare my older printing to a new edition for some time now. Not for any particular reason other than curiosity and amusement....
by The Quaker Oracle | Jan 10, 2024 | Links, Personal Blog, Tarot
Oh, what a week, what a week. The coffee shop has been closed for renovations since Christmas. We’re preparing to reopen in a few days, and the place is in utter chaos. Construction still isn’t finished, yet we have to be ready. Between that and the...
by The Quaker Oracle | Dec 26, 2023 | Links, Personal Blog
I can’t believe it is Christmas Eve! This month has been intense. There’s several projects on at the house. There’s been having some dog drama, and the cafe is undergoing a pivot. To say I’m busy and overwhelmed would be an understatement. But...
by The Quaker Oracle | Sep 26, 2023 | Modern Life, Religion
On the Equinox I attended a lovely wedding for two dear friends of mine. Their relationship was tried and tested over and over again, sometimes from internal forces, and sometimes from external forces. Sometimes the Husband’s ego gets the best of him and he acts...